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graphic say aah smiley emoticon sick sore throat doctor strep virus bacteria day face emoji funny cartoon yellow ill bug cold tonsils tonsillectomy

no plastic straw say to climate change environment clip art cutout

sitting in seated position situ lotus sedentary situated plead call upon for help answer adjure appeal ask beseech brace commune with crave cry entreat implore importune invocate invoke petition recite request say solicit sue supplicate urge sad unhappy depressed bereaved bitter blue cheerless dejected despairing despondent disconsolate dismal distressed doleful down dumps mouth downcast forlorn gloomy glum grief-stricken grieved heartbroken heartsick heavyhearted hurting doldrums grief the languishing low low-spirited lugubrious melancholy morbid morose mournful out of sorts pensive pessimistic sick at heart somber sorrowful sorry troubled weeping wistful woebegone

man hello waving hand young happy hi greeting adult welcome cheerful smile say student character

elf sitting flower sage say shape fairy tale character girl romantic meadow fantasy wallpaper background nature beautiful flowers

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pray plead call upon for help answer adjure appeal ask beseech brace commune with crave cry entreat implore importune invocate invoke petition recite request say solicit sue supplicate urge weak unable blank chicken debilitated defenseless dependent disabled disenfranchised etiolated feeble frail gutless helpless impotent incapable incapacitated ineffective ineffectual inert infirm out of gas paralyzed passive prostrate subject supine tied unarmed unfit vulnerable wimp wishy-washy powerless silhouette

rainbow quotes colorful nature words motivation inspirational saying positive

pray plead call upon for help answer adjure appeal ask beseech brace commune with crave cry entreat implore importune invocate invoke petition recite request say solicit sue supplicate urge weak unable blank chicken debilitated defenseless dependent disabled disenfranchised etiolated feeble frail gutless helpless impotent incapable incapacitated ineffective ineffectual inert infirm out of gas paralyzed passive prostrate subject supine tied unarmed unfit vulnerable wimp wishy-washy powerless silhouette

pray plead call upon for help answer adjure appeal ask beseech brace commune with crave cry entreat implore importune invocate invoke petition recite request say solicit sue supplicate urge weak unable blank chicken debilitated defenseless dependent disabled disenfranchised etiolated feeble frail gutless helpless impotent incapable incapacitated ineffective ineffectual inert infirm out of gas paralyzed passive prostrate subject supine tied unarmed unfit vulnerable wimp wishy-washy powerless silhouette

pray plead call upon for help answer adjure appeal ask beseech brace commune with crave cry entreat implore importune invocate invoke petition recite request say solicit sue supplicate urge weak unable blank chicken debilitated defenseless dependent disabled disenfranchised etiolated feeble frail gutless helpless impotent incapable incapacitated ineffective ineffectual inert infirm out of gas paralyzed passive prostrate subject supine tied unarmed unfit vulnerable wimp wishy-washy powerless silhouette

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ability competence aptitude bent capability capacity competency dynamism effectiveness efficacy endowment faculty function gift influence potential potentiality qualification skill talent turn virtue power physical applied force arm brawn energy forcefulness horsepower intensity mechanical might muscle omnipotence potency puissance sinew strength vigor vim voltage weight control dominance ascendancy authority authorization birthright clout command connection diadem direction dominion hegemony imperium inside track jurisdiction law leadership license management moxie paramountcy predominance prerogative prestige privilege regency right rule say-so sovereignty steam strings superiority supremacy sway warrant wire person people man doctor operate touch body language silhouette vector group business woman young white black

ability competence aptitude bent capability capacity competency dynamism effectiveness efficacy endowment faculty function gift influence potential potentiality qualification skill talent turn virtue power physical applied force arm energy forcefulness horsepower intensity mechanical might muscle omnipotence potency puissance sinew strength vigor vim voltage weight control dominance ascendancy authority authorization birthright clout command connection diadem direction dominion hegemony imperium inside track jurisdiction law leadership license management moxie paramountcy predominance prerogative prestige privilege regency right rule say-so sovereignty steam strings superiority supremacy sway warrant wire person people man doctor operate touch body language silhouette vector group business woman young white black portrait

ability competence aptitude bent capability capacity competency dynamism effectiveness efficacy endowment faculty function gift influence potential potentiality qualification skill talent turn virtue power physical applied force arm brawn energy forcefulness horsepower intensity mechanical might muscle omnipotence potency puissance sinew strength vigor vim voltage weight control dominance ascendancy authority authorization birthright clout command connection diadem direction dominion hegemony imperium inside track jurisdiction law leadership license management moxie paramountcy predominance prerogative prestige privilege regency right rule say-so sovereignty steam strings superiority supremacy sway warrant wire person people man doctor operate touch body language silhouette vector group business woman young white black

balloon bubble entertainment comic cartoon to speak say comment leave a discuss discussion forum talk pronounce debate

ability competence aptitude bent capability capacity competency dynamism effectiveness efficacy endowment faculty function gift influence potential potentiality qualification skill talent turn virtue power physical applied force arm brawn energy forcefulness horsepower intensity mechanical might muscle omnipotence potency puissance sinew strength vigor vim voltage weight control dominance ascendancy authority authorization birthright clout command connection diadem direction dominion hegemony imperium inside track jurisdiction law leadership license management moxie paramountcy predominance prerogative prestige privilege regency right rule say-so sovereignty steam strings superiority supremacy sway warrant wire person people man doctor operate touch body language silhouette vector group business woman young white black

soldier army military war uniform armed camouflage american marine man service male iraq guard patriotic conflict goodbye adieu adios arrivederci bye-bye cheerio good day sayonara so long depart abandon physically abscond beat it break away clear out come cut decamp defect desert disappear ditch elope embark emigrate escape exit flee flit fly forsake give the slip go forth head issue migrate move part pull push off quit relinquish remove oneself retire ride run along sally say scram set split start step down take a hike leave vacate vamoose vanish walk withdraw auf nature

soldier army sitting in seated position situ lotus sedentary situated plead call upon for help answer adjure appeal ask beseech brace commune with crave cry entreat implore importune invocate invoke petition recite request say solicit sue supplicate urge sad unhappy depressed bereaved bitter blue cheerless dejected despairing despondent disconsolate dismal distressed doleful down dumps mouth downcast forlorn gloomy glum grief-stricken grieved heartbroken heartsick heavyhearted hurting doldrums grief the languishing low low-spirited lugubrious melancholy morbid morose mournful out of sorts pensive pessimistic sick at heart somber sorrowful sorry troubled weeping wistful woebegone
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